
Which linux distro are suited for programming, Elementary Os loki or else?

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    all of them, basically. but if you're into low level details, i'd say arch or gentoo.
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    Any Linux.
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    I think Arch would be fine.
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    I like Elementary OS because of its workspaces. I can quickly switch between them when I have a lot of stuff open (Spotify, Chrome, Atom or PyCharm, etc)
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    Any really. Fedora user myself anyways 😄
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    Debian since a while.. also tried manjaro, arch and fedora.
    Except the last one where i don't like configurations, it's stay very good coding time :)
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    Loki is fucking insane. DO NOT INSTALL IT. you would love to bang your head with win 98 rather using loki.
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    @coldfire nah. Not really...
    Loki is pretty decent.
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    @sam0 don't be cruel ;-)
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    @coldfire why? I think its all fine with loki, and i'm in love with it ryt now.. its totally fast, lightweight, and charming design
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    @polaroidkidd lol seriously, Arch is perfect for everything, it's like modeling clay, as it doesn't has any shape of it's own, you can give it any shape you want. You can make is perfect for coding, personal use or any kind of shit you want. :D
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    Find a tutorial of language you are interested in with seting enviroment step by step. Install the same linux
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    @sam0 yes you were right, but i don't have time to learn every each linux command line while i working. I think loki are suited for linux newcomer
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    Why not plain Ubuntu
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    Gentoo, but only if you compile it yourself, and use the i3 desktop environment.


    Seriously what kind of question is that? Any operating system out there is good for development. I even made some github contributions from my Raspbian in the very first day I got the PI.
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    @hacker you could have any window manager or desktop environment, most of them if not all have workspaces

    I'm on Fedora and it's good, but basically whatever distro u use is good
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    @jpichardo true.
    I'll stick with Elementary, though. Mainly because I'm used to it now. Also, my setup (dual-boot with Windows) was a pain to configure and I don't want to deal with that whole thing again haha...
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    @hacker Fair enough, but believe me, if you like Linux eventually you'll end installing something like arch
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    yep! the guy above is telling the truth
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    @boom seen like too boring
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    @fidellr if you are looking only programming use any distro with a bundled Desktop Environment, like Ubuntu, Fedora, Elementary, etc since you will be lost probably using some gui tool, and there was this distro which name I don't remember which was programming focused as it had the most common stacks and tools preinstaled
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    @sam0 hey bro, and to anyone here, like some weeks ago @linuxxx and other devranters created a group chat for Linux and foss lovers, I could invite you if you want
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    @fidellr Almost half of the time , it cannot even keep up with my typing. ( And i have a 3Ghz i5 with 4G RAM).
    I have like 6 tabs open in chrome and it starts to hang. And the worst shit is at some places even right click is not implemented in the fucking os.
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    @jpichardo yep, i'd like to be invited.
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    @sam0 I invited a username sam0!
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    @linuxxx wait sry, but where is the groupe chat exactly? I remember reading some days ago but i forgot where it was.
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    @sam0 Oo xD. Register with that username at riot.I'm pllease 😅
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    @linuxxx @linuxxx riot.im just saying 😝
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    @sam0 yeah a group chat about Foss and Linux and hate against windows and overall corporate, jk, but yeah we talk about that.
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    @linuxxx @jpichardo That was a lot of verification on riot, i couldn't get the username sam0 , my riot is samsam0 . Thanks for the invitation :D
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    @sam0 there you go bro
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    @fidellr its os.. Should just work. Once you need to work for it, its not doing its job. Thats the only thing i like is osx, it just works out of the box. But yeah, you miss some of the control (thats why im using linux at home)
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    @coldfire yeah you were right, its been 2 days i use it and when i code in atom and cheom are open in another Desktop swipe screen(idk wht it exactly called) , it start freezing in 2s maybe fucked i installed it as my core os, then wht distro should i pick?
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    @jpichardo do you mean semicode os?
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    @jpichardo it still on beta and i think it still not recommended for our main os, isn't it?
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    @fidellr yup, but I think might be worth to look into
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    i have made peace with ubuntu 16.04 Lts @fidellr
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    @Jop- is solus have multi tasking desktop? I mean Like multi desktop on elementary os, because i really need it
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    @coldfire why dont you use the latest version which is 17.0.4? Is there any differences between 17 and 16 lts version?
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    @Jop- it's not about support. It's about the fact that software publishers target almost exclusively LTS when testing. I've been on the latest versions and let me tell ya, it was hell, getting stuff to work sometimes. From getting Spyder and all of its neighborhood to work with QT5 because LTS and Spyder rely on QT4, to some Java web apps not working with the new changes of Tomcat, that has no backwards compatibility yet, but will be added for next LTS, while the previous LTS still uses the old version.

    LTS is for people who use it for work. Latest is more for "playing around".
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