Which retard on this planet decided to put a "continue reading" button on every dumbshit news and article website. You built your fucking website to read! That was the entire purpose of your website!!

  • 1
    It makes sense if you have many long articles. No one wants to scroll for an hour to reach his destination 😂
  • 9
    yeah they're annoying but for the newspaper it's very usefull. They can track how many articles are beeing read even those who use adblock. And they can prevent that the copy is getting stolen by webcrawlers.
    And there is a psychological reason too, if you click on that button you commit yourself littlebit to that newspaper.
  • 8
    More pages - more ads
  • 2
    @pajaja yup especially if you break up your article into 10 pages lol ridiculous
  • 1
    It's all about generating clicks :D
  • 1
    @heyheni So much knowledge 😂👍
  • 4
    False, they built a website to generate ad revenue and every time you click "continue reading" it's marked as a "user interaction" so when they advertise their website they can say " We get X visitors per time frame and y % interact with it. This is far higher than competitors! This makes the ad space 'premium' which is why we charge me"

    And because marketing managers don't understand where the interaction comes from, they pay the premium prices.

    It's stupid, but it works. Blame the user.
  • 1
    Well, it generates more page views and forces people that is subscribed to the RSS feed to visit the website. It all boils down to more ad impressions at the end...
  • 0
    Upvotted because of your tag.
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