Wow.. Kubernetes makes me high!!
VERY literally.

Today O dug into k8s from a devops/admin perspective. Soooo many figures at play! Tried my best to understand it all in one go.

Now I feel like I used to feel back in my student days after successfully finishing a whole bottle of wine.

Dizzy and happy as fuck! 😁 and want to puke a little

go k8s!

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    Went outside for a walk. People are staring at me 😁 wtf do I tell them? 'I'm not drunk, I'm high on k8s'?

    I can imagine police arresting me for "illegal consumption of unsanctioned psychotropic substance called 'k8s'"

  • 1
    Oh wait until you really go deep in it... It's going to be a descent in hell....
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    K8s learning path:

    Junior: "I just want to deploy some services, I'll start with managed kubernetes."

    Mid: "OK I understand a bit better, time to bootstrap my whole cluster."

    Senior: "just use managed k8s."
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