
what if we put docker inside a docker...

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    Isn't that what kubernetes is? Or am I understanding kubernetes wrong?
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    But what if, you put that docker also inside a docker?
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    @agentQ minikube uses docker in docker i think but it’s not recommended for production. Useful if you want to create a cluster on your machine for learning tho
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    Docker in docker is actually a thing when it comes to CI :P
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    Lost some respect when I saw he couldn't smoke properly 😔
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    how you want to do CI then ? :D
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    Don't do it, you'll end up in a world of pain : https://jpetazzo.github.io/2015/09/...
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    It will be a recursive call and stackoverflow.
  • 4
    What are all these comments. DID(docker in docker) is legit useful. The most widely used example is to setup CI runner slaves. Like gitlab runner. There is a docker image for the runner, so it is easy to setup a runner and make the host environment clean. The image also has a docker in it, so that for each build process the runner runs, you can setup a different environment dynamically without messing the environment in runner container. This way, it is easy to setup, cleanup and the runner is able to pick up any CI procedure and run in your specified enviroent.
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    @kevinye32 I gree, there are legit ways of doing DID, if you know what you are doing, but if you are just doing it for fun, or for a quick solution to a complex problem you are probably doing it wrong.
    It is usually the case that people don't get it because DID is complex.
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    @Avimelekh you should avoid that by mounting the native docker port inside the container which manages other docker containers.

    This way any container orchestrated inside the orchestration container can mount volumes of the host running the orchestration container.
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    @polaroidkidd should not be an issue while using user namespacing , not sure tho. I need to set DinD up in my kubernetes cluster and expose inside cluster as service with limted access to nfs provisoned volume shares within next month. Building my own ci service atm :P
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    @CodeBane He didn't want to smoke, he wanted to try
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    @Mitiko huh? How you try without smoking? You mean taste? Cos that's a different word completely lool
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