6 hours, with non developers, to decide on the font size of a website. Had to listen to 6 hours of pseudo psychological bullshit about how a 16pt thin Helvetica or something made people "feel".

And I'm a backend dev... I haven't written a line of css in two years... I only interact with the website through functional tests.

  • 1
    :'D ty
  • 16
    Bet they didn't ask how it made you feel.. 😉
  • 6
    I understand that they do that. But 6 hours? 😂😂
  • 2
    It is ridiculous, I think the sane way is Google's, back up decisions with data. Prove that #45AC20 is better than #40BF03 how? Test it on the ground, if *parameter* is higher, the color is "better"
  • 6
    @omgashnames this kind of stuff proves we live in an over productive society. People like that should be working an hour a day, going home to hang out and chill instead of wasting time.
  • 3
    Why did you stay in the room?
  • 4
    @omgashnames There were 20 people around a table, and everyone knows the length of any meeting is: count(people)²

    @starless Pretended to take notes on laptop, but was writing erotic fiction involving everyone in the room from my boss to the intern to the cactus in the corner. The cactus actually played the lead.
  • 1
    @bittersweet sounds like a chuck tingle story.
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