JoyRant build 19 has a new feature:

A Community Projects page, based on the json api by @joewilliams007

I was inspired by the implementation of that page in skyRant and made a similar one which can be searched and filtered by type and os. 🙂

Apple TestFlight:

Code block highlighting is probably coming next.

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    Omg. How cool is that!! And your layout is even better!!! That was fast i have to say that.

    Let me invite you to the repository so you can add/change content aswell.
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    thanks for the spotlight :D
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    Testing markdown…

    ***italic and bold***

    Text with `inline code` which should be monospaced.

    And finally
    code end

    end of test
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    @Lensflare so this is what the easter rabbit brings today
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    @joewilliams007 almost…
    Damn multiline code blocks aren‘t working.
    New lines are swallowed. I can‘t release it like that! 😖
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    @Lensflare i feel you. I also struggle with it because code highlighting, mentioning and links is quite alot for one texview. I will have to implement it correctly though.
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