
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I present you the API I'm working with...

That's a pretty fucking useful error description right there.

  • 30
    And this one from the documentation. A required property (Igen -> required: yes) with a fucking TODO. And no, that asterisk doesn't point to any description either.
  • 11
    Well at least it tells you that your request was not ok :P
  • 3
    @Teosz I can relate to that.. Once upon a time (not so long ago) I've been working with a service which returns "going well" in case of a success and "default response" or *a handful of business errors which they didn't want to list for me so that I could implement proper error handling* otherwise. Of course it was not supposed to be propagated to PROD like this but.. who cares
  • 1

    At least they gave me a sample request so now I've found the mistake, and once the structure of the request is alright they give proper error messages. But would have been good if I didn't have to inspect my input line by line just to find out that one property is an array of objects instead of an object that's stated in the docs.
  • 1
    I'm working with feedbacks like this right now. I feel your pain :\
  • 7
    I like that it's a capital E. Someone actually took the time to make sure it's capitalized instead of providing any other info.
  • 1
    Error: This shit is quite common for alot of systems. May be a catch to have you get into an API Support Contract and in Open Source systems it is less...
  • 5
    The most annoying error message is still: There was an issue. Please contact your administrator.
    I'm the closest you'll get of an admin. Tell me what went fucking wrong!
  • 8
    Bojler eladó
  • 0
    At least it's not the 'generic' 500.. 😂😂😂
  • 4
    nCore I see,
    shivers I get,
    Evry dark dream returns,
    and a life of regret.

    The Gekko stirs,
    shedding it's skins,
    the Elements unite,
    a dark dream begins.

    Credit: a guy I know.
  • 5
    Ncore és (ha jól látom) Neptun, nem is lehetne magyarosabb a poszt 😂
  • 0
    @marci010101 Sorry, I don't speak Hungarian 🇳🇴
  • 2
    @Hakash I wrote it for the original poster :D
  • 2
    Am I late for that "bojler" or is it still for sale! :D
  • 0
    It's an error, deal with it 🤣👌
  • 1
    I regularly have to work with apis coded by others that throw a 500 status on any error, and the response message contains the actual error code but no description of why.
  • 0
    Maybe it wants to tell you that life is an error
  • 0
  • 0
    @kalex wahahahaha!!!!!
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