Best lightweight editor for coding?

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    Visual Studio Code!
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    Vim 😁 *grabs popcorn*
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    @sovietspy2 32m, and war hasn't start yet 🤣
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    Vs code or nano
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    Vim, vscode, sublime, I use all the of those intermittently and tester like all of them, airtight for different reasons and tasks.

    I do have to say though, VSCode with the VSCodeVim extension... Pretty bloody good. I may have a new favourite.
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    vi and vs code
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    and srsly, it depends on the platform:
    nano for putty sessions.
    vi for console.
    np++ for windows.
    gedit for *buntu.
    textmate for mac.
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    Sublime Text simple file editing (it is just a very advanced text editor)

    Visual Studio Code for bigger projects


    Then you have all of the big IDEs like Visual Studio, Intellij etc
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    @demiko its not.
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    Emacs *duck and run*
    *shouts from the distance* with
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    I never learn to not comment in rants like this. I only get a lot of one word comments notifications xD.
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    I was half expecting to see Atom but it's good to see people have brought their sense with them today.
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    @demiko someone did not get the joke. nm.
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    Microsoft WordPad
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    This question is to anyone using vim?How do you manage large projects with many files.i mean what if system crashes or shut downs and after restarting you get ao may lock files or something?In sublime or jetbrains ide or atom or vs code you just start from there without loosing anything. Just curious as I like vim commands but this is holding me back
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    @edwrodrig Welcome to the team
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    Neovim, vim or ST3. In this order. 😜

    How can anybody code using nano? It's ok for a small remote edit on a config file but *actually* coding in nano? I don't get it...
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    @anekix Vim creates .swp files with the last snapshot. when you reopen they ask if you want to recover
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    @jordinebot its got a lot of customization options
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    @anekix As @edwrodrig said.
    vim -r -> to list swap file
    vim -r file.swp -> recover a crashed editing session
    (or see man vim for more info xD)
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    @anekix basically: use git, inoremap <ESC> <ESC>:w<CR>, set nobackup, set noswapfile.

    I've never lost anything due to a crash...

    Edit: I know disabling swap files is considered a bad practice but I love living on the edge 😎
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    Im surprised by vim's popularity 👏👏 what a time to be alive 😊
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    @RazorSh4rk that's a lot of ++
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    @vladde VSCode is just a really advanced text editor as well. Most of the things in this thread are. I'm also not sure you really understood what this was supposed to be about: lightweight editors, not honking great IDEs with a million features no one ever uses.
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    @DirtyBit im a professional hacker it seems
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    @RazorSh4rk for the sake of curiosity I'll try nano one of those days...
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    @anekix others have mentioned .swp files. Also you could use ctrl+p for quickly finding different files.

    No matter what I use, I never have more than 2-4 files open at the same time. If I have to be jumping between that many files, it's time for refactoring and reorganising the project ...
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    @rusty-hacker I totally agree. Also, closing files when you're done with them is a good thing to do.
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    Notepad++ with plugins
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    VS Code
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    Nano when editing over SSH
    Sublime when doing other stuff
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    Geany's a pretty good but rarely mentioned one in my opinion. It features a nice compile hotkey and a notepad to add a simple todo list to a file. Its like a better Notepad++ in my opinion, with the downside of being (I believe) Linux exclusive
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    Yeahh I use Emacs right now hehehe... hehe... @talvdav
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    Command line.
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    @elonmusk echo "print('hello world')" > helloworld.py
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    @DirtyBit I thought nobody will scroll to the end! 😂
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    @elonmusk every one does scroll down to the bottom

    who wants to miss the best comments 😁
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    @demiko @dfox
    Scroll down floating button maybe?
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    @demiko there are many rants with long thread! Hmm may be he will consider it!
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    Geany, has everything I need
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