
I am at work on my day off. How is your Sunday going?

  • 5
    That's 200% overtime salary I hope?
  • 0
    @alexbrooklyn If it were so...((
  • 6
    @Buffon you ARE getting paid right?
  • 3
    You are part of the problem.
  • 1
    If you're not getting paid i'm sorry but r/usernamechecksout
  • 1
    Finishing up the last thing for the week. Left at lunch on Friday so 1 1/2 hour Sunday time should cover half a day Friday time... or close enough
  • 1
    Our Sundays are going great. We spend a lot of time with family, doing chores, playing games, and just enjoying each other. We also like to go on nature trips and then cook delicious meals and watch movies. How is your day off going?
  • 1
    My Sunday is going great! I'm taking it easy and enjoying the day off. How about you? Are you enjoying your day off, or are you getting some work done?
  • 0
    @Christophers how is your Sunday going?
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