
Just too obvious PsyOps accounts spamming this platform.

  • 1
    Care to elaborate?
  • 3
    Too or two?
  • 2
    The mole has been unearthed! The mole has been unearthed!
  • 9
    So you found AOK?
  • 2
    Awwww but babeee
  • 1
    @Oktokolo fully expected this to be from him, still not entirely convinced that it isn't.
  • 3
    Not even.
    Rather that other psychopath. Posting random 'western' society discrediting shit.
  • 1
    I have learnt not to.
  • 4
    Just be glad we haven't been hit by the "space is fake" or the "moon landings are a hoax" or the "flat earth" idiots.

    I still cannot figure out who you are referring to. I must be dense.
  • 3
    In this case the official term is "active measures"
  • 9
    @Demolishun flat earthers are the worst... everyone knows earth is banana-shaped!
  • 10
    @tosensei I know we don't always agree on things, but I respect your dick earth theory.
  • 5
    @Demolishun also, every student of futurama knows that the moon landing was stages... on venus!

    and space actually may not exist at all - chances are it's just a way for human minds to interpret the reality, in which there is only the property of "distance" between particles. "space" is an emergent illusion of those properties, so to say.
  • 7
    @tosensei well, yes. But illusion is the wrong word.
    An apple is made of atoms which don’t have any appleness in them. An apple emerges from the atoms and yet we don’t say that an apple is an illusion.
    Any emergent phenomenon is real. Because it’s how we define it.
  • 3
    That escalated quickly
  • 3
    @Lensflare at that point, it's only a matter of perspective. "is it really an apple if there is noone there to call it an apple" and stuff?

    but it's still an interesting idea that space isn't the fundamental thing where "things are in" what we imagine it to be, but just an emergent behavior of a property of _relations_ between particles - which is just an emergent property as well.
  • 1
    @tosensei You might want to read or hear Sean Carroll. He has a lot of interesting things to say about that topic.

    But something tells me you already know him :)
  • 3
    @tosensei does a hole exist
  • 5
    @electrineer the cheese paradox:

    The more cheese, the more holes.
    The more holes, the less cheese.
    So, the more cheese, the less cheese!
  • 0
    @scor Isn't almost everything on this platform discrediting western society - even the Indian shit that basically just depicts an exaggerated copy of the behavior of western corps?
  • 1
    @Lensflare incorrect. it is a known fact that the deuterium isotope of hydrogen, found in a small percentage of the apple's water molecules, is in fact the carrier of the apple's "appleness".

    while lithium is the carrier of the source of all evil: the orangeness in tangerines.
  • 3
    Am I looking too far into it, or why does it seem like we have a group of users that tries to move as many users out of the platform as possible. One part of the group terrorises the platform with inappropriate posts, while the other part promotes alternate platforms where the pissed off users could move. They seemed to cross streams and say the quiet part out loud here https://devrant.com/rants/9951565/...

    I would be very careful before I trust the host of any new devrant clone. What do you guys think?
  • 1
    How do you get shadowbanned from github anyway? 🐟 https://devrant.com/rants/9946268/...
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