Dear game developers of mobile games,

Please stop making EVERY FUCKING GAME dependent on having coins AND gems that you have to pay REAL MONEY for to oftentimes even keep playing! Or worse still you are kept at a basic level if you refuse to spend!

It’s boring, annoying, and your game is not worth spending like $100 on before getting bored and moving on.

And don’t get me started on ads!!


  • 3
    Mobile games are a lost cause
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    Or, you know, play games in real gaming platforms...
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    @CoreFusionX - I like to whip out my phone for a quick session now and again. Back in the good ole days you could just play, but now it’s like “I don’t have enough coins for this or that.

    It’s just irritating.
  • 3
    As long as there are enough people paying for "micro" transactions there is no need for anything to change...

    No seriously. The only reason why the freemium model became so prevalent is that people think they are getting the better deal. I can't count the times people made fun of me for paying a monthly subscription while they would spend 20 times as much each month on their "free" game because they "wanted to support" the developer.
  • 3
    @BinaryRage install ps2 emulator and some game ISO and you'll get a good game on mobile
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    Don't play. Noone forces you

    If it's done on a such a massive scale, then there is money to be done in it.

    Noone I repeat NOONE developps any mobile app (or game) "just for fun". The ONLY reason to do mobile dev, is to make money.
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    @iiii I’m actually a pretty hardcore gamer (PS and Xbox), I just play on my phone when I feel like a quick rush.
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    @NoToJavaScript There is definitely an element of greed in it. What happens is that new assets are added called “Seasons” with maybe a tweak here or there to gameplay.

    I was a mobile game dev up to 2007-12 and the model for earning money was much better for the gamer then: make a game to be sold at a fixed price, release a new game the following year and charge again.

    Literally that simple. It earned money for the studios too!
  • 1
    always reminds me of that quote from the Diablo devs, when they got boo'ed while presenting their new mobile game:
    "Do you not have phones?"
  • 2
    I'm completely with @BinaryRage. I have no problem paying for a game but I do have with the gems crap. Worst thing is that I've seen people lose a ton of investments due to a bug or new phone.

    So at @aaronswart there are plenty other ways. The one I like most is being able to play to a certain extend and then need to pay once to get the full game.
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    *Ejem, ehem*

    Call of duty, Diablo immortal, hearthstone...
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    @iiii It's sad that this model works. Simply saying "if you don't like it then don't play it" doesn't touch the fact that these games use predatory and gambling mechanisms. Sadly, the PC games are also catching up now.
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    @FooBarNaut indies are our savior
  • 0
    Yeah, I agreed with you. Nowadays, we have to spend money on every single game and it is very annoying. That is why now I play online casinos games and I already found https://casinosanalyzer.com/online-... website where I found links to those sites in which I can play online real money games.
  • 0
    I completely understand your frustration with mobile games that push you to spend real money just to progress or enjoy the basic features. It seems like many games these days prioritize monetization over user experience, which can diminish the fun and accessibility. If you’re looking for an alternative that respects your time and investment, you might want to check out https://82lotteryy.com/ . It's an online colour prediction game that prioritizes user security and straightforward gameplay. You can earn real money through gameplay without unexpected barriers or mandatory investments. Plus, it’s quick and easy to withdraw your winnings, ensuring a smooth and rewarding experience.
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