Visual Studio sucks.
Atom sucks.
Sublime Text sucks.

Windows Movie Maker is the real editor for code.

  • 8
    Brackets ftw
  • 3
    Phpstorm suited me
  • 10
    I use notepad (i mean the real)
  • 3
    @Mitiko bullshit 😛
  • 6
    Cat is all you need
  • 14
    Personally I find placing live and dead bodies as binary and then praying for Satan to convert it to be the best method.
  • 6
    @matsaki95 high resolution code right, even vim cant do that 😂
  • 24
    I write on my hand and it compiles beautifully and without an error every single time, plus the dark theme is already loaded
  • 2
    And I thought scratching on my laptop screen with bloody nails was the right way to do it, hmm my life was a LIE
  • 3
    My colleague wrote pseudocode on a paper napkin. I used it wipe my a** later. Literally. I found the ide good for wiping.
  • 2
    I write code on the walls of my cave
  • 1
    @sam9669 i see what you did there 😜
  • 4
    Atom is not bad come on
  • 0
    For web development, you should install live-reload package on atom, its not bad as you said
  • 2
    Real programmers use butterflies
  • 0
    Finally something I can relate to . Man shit that also write code by hieroglyphs
  • 2
    I code using the grill 🍖
  • 4
    I usually write code in league of legends /all chat
  • 1
    Double bullshit, no one sane writes code in notepad. Let's kill the notepad meme.
  • 1
    @hoenir Sometimes, when my PC is real slow, I actually do use Windows' Notepad to code.
  • -1
    @ImJustTatan another bullshit, is sublime are too weight?c'mon, are u from this century?
  • 1
    @fidellr I forgot to say that my PC is so shitty that yes, even Sublime Text has some pretty big startup delay, to the point where it's just annoying. I use Sublime Text, but just when I know I'll code all day. And what's the problem with using Notepad, anyways? I know it sounds stupid, but if you were me it'd make more sense.
  • 1
    @fidellr Why are we discussing about me using Notepad to code sometimes, again? It makes no sense, specially considering that the original comment was a joke.
  • 1
    @ImJustTatan its not big deal btw, im just suggest u to use the lightweight editor such as sublime than notepad, no heart feeling bro
  • -1
  • 0
    @busuu Oh my God. Please tell me it's a joke.
  • 0
    @busuu I am legitimately dying.
  • 0
    Wait, is there any other code editor other than VLC?
  • 1
  • 2
    Isn't PowerPoint Turing complete?
  • 2
    I use MS Paint to create static websites. Absolutely surreal. 🙃
  • 0
    Left click for 1 and right click for 0, no need for more 😪
  • 0
    Microsoft Word can compile Java to mp3
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