
TOR is fedded 💀

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    It is a tool developed by the feds. How do people not know this?
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    Just want to add, how many millions of dollars have they spent on criminalizing weed while they just let these billionaire fucksticks work their employees to death?
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    @sariel From what I learned Weed was criminalized to stop the growing of hemp. Dow wanted to replace hemp with nylon. Similar with prohibition and ethanol. There was a growing vehicle economy around ethanol. They did prohibition (didn't affect the rich btw). Then when gasoline and diesel dominated, they lifted prohibition. All sorts of industries are protected this way.
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    @Demolishun and even though it was both Democrats and Republicans that supported and eventually became a part of the Prohibition party, it was supported by Christian conservatives, specifically The Woman's Christian Temperance Union.

    The WCTU is still in operation today and is based in Evanston Illinois. It, unsurprisingly, supports Christian neo-fascism and conservative views which align with WCTU objectives.
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    @sariel One of Nixon's top advisors later admitted that War on Drugs was a tool to suppress communities who were politically against Nixon. Statistically they were targeted more, convicted more, received longer sentences than the others.
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    @RikaroDev I think the CIA planted drugs in the inner cities as well.
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