
> go to devrant app
> go to notifications
> press clear
> *walkie-talkie voice* all clear

  • 2
    Somehow your posts got a lot better since early-mid last year :) I'm glad
  • 4
    @netikras because of three new things:

    1. polyamorous relationship

    2. a company that actually values me and I don't have to fight for my ideas

    3. appropriate (but still far from being ideal) treatment prescribed after bipolar type I was confirmed
  • 0
    The clear button is hidden and the endpoint seems so be kaput
  • 0
    @red-knot android app has it.
  • 1
    @kiki it's great to see someone happy here, no jinx keep it up
  • 1
    @RikaroDev thanks, but there is a long way to go still. My current meds are undoubtedly better than those previous meds that almost turned me into a vegetable, yet they're not quite suitable as they don't account for my autism, and I'm still suffering.
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