Well... Yeah... that can be a way of doing it. But really?

  • 8
    So it a a 10 digit number, so 10P10 is 3628800 cases on the slider, the slider is 3.2cm in length, so each slides of the cursor could be calculated bit idk how many pixels are there on slider, also if the cursor moves per pixels or multiple pixels at once, anyway the design is a huge cluster Fuck.
  • 1

    Is this for an official working site?

    This, you do when you are stretching really really stretching your mind
  • 5
    Step 1: Inspect Element
    Step 2: Edit Slider Value
    Step 3: ???
    Step 4: Profit
  • 2
    What the actual fuck is wrong with the guy who designed this
  • 0
    @aile11 Nothing, he's a natural sadist.
  • 0
    @nyjan i like you, pet me please.
  • 0
    @-BSD That is their own personal problem
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