
# school
- pure enslavement
- friends included
- no need for the money

# University
- freedom
- friends included
- always broke

# work
- enslavement with benefits
- lonely af
- all the moneys

  • 4
    keep your work life and personal life seperate and give your 100% in both areas. one will give you money, other will give you a solution for loneliness
  • 8
    @dotenvironment do you have a spare 100%
  • 0
    @dotenvironment i only work part time and part-ass and it's still enough money. Why should i give 100? But nevertheless the working time is lonely time. And I dislike this.
  • 4
    Read the last one
    - all the monkeys
  • 1
    @AndroidJester it's not really a university if the lectures are mandatory. It's just another school.
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