
So I've been working with this "developer" on a client project and she is still refusing to use GIT.....

  • 13
    urghh so much ignorance...

    show her gitkraken
  • 24
    It's not like Git is hard to use.. Even less so with the official GUI app for Windows. You just point to a folder and press "Sync".
  • 24
    Just to clarify, you're fired.
  • 19
    I do not think you should have shared the full email like this even though the name is scratched out.
  • 6
    Hang on, she asked if you used the latest code from Git or retrieved the code from the web server. So unless I am misunderstanding you already have source control in place but she is making changes to files taken from the server and just copying them back up. Is there no release procedure in place to prevent something like this?
  • 7
    It's like 10 minutes to learn basic Git functions. Can't believe someone does not have the time for that.
  • 18
    Dev uploading straight to production. What could possibly go wrong.
  • 2
    This reminds me to much about my last job
  • 3
    Revoke their access to the server - problem solved!
  • 2
    It's pretty irresponsible to be a "professional" developer without using version control.

    I'd like to see her file system. "Project 1 final (copy) (copy) (copy)"
  • 4
    To GIT or not to GIT there should really be no question...
  • 1
    @Cyanite I just don't have time to put this in the GIT right now. I am 4 years old and nap all day.
  • 1
    @tahnik I would like to hire this "developer" once they have time to do the GIT
  • 0
    @IAmNotARobot @nicrob64 maybe they are not a professional developer or they would do the GIT!
  • 1
    Holy fucking shit. They PAY her to destroy the code? At least it's not something important like pricing our customer checkout.
  • 0

    Git is hard, but the basics are simple. On your first project, just use a single branch (at least you have versioning!), and a hosting service like github or bitbucket.

    git clone, git commit -am 'message', git push and git pull is all you need. If you're a small team and communicate about the files you're editing, you won't even have to deal with merging.

    Sure, you're using git like a noob, but it's a start.

    From there, you just learn one new thing per week... things like branch management, git flow, checkout -b & push -u origin, cherrypick, rebase/squash, bisect, etc.

    But you can get started with four commands, that's what I did with the team (all vcs virgins) at my first job.
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