My devrant avatar has a full beard but I can't grow any in real life.

  • 3
    Full beard come on that's half one or even quarter :) . Don't worry you are probably very clever at least :D
  • 3
    I'm sorry to hear that.

    Beard gang I see yuh.
  • 3
    Any beard is a full beard when you are me :D @freshlyfe
  • 7
    I don't have a cool tribal tat on my arm either-- but we can on the internet! 💪
  • 4
    As someone with a disconnected moustache, I feel you
  • 8
    My avatar has alot less beard..
  • 4
    My avatar has so much swag which I can't have in real life
  • 1
    @theScientist I meet lot of people like that :D that's why .
  • 2
    Me too :( and I've also dark circles
  • 1
    Same here! xD
  • 2
    You gotta follow your dreams.
    We have been doing this kind of things on every personalizable Avatar on games, why not on devRant?

    We also choose opposite sex because the avatar is hot, think Chun like for instance... Now I got depressed
  • 4
    22 and still no beard and a baby face
  • 1
    on the other hand if you feel like a kid, take chainsaw go cut some trees cut yourself while doing that let some branches hit your face and here wo go Gyus becuase first look is where it's at
  • 4
    D'awhhh, sometimes i wish that because mine grows way too FUCKING fast.
  • 2
    I couldn't even grow a proper beard until last year.
  • 1
    Hahaha I must admit that I did the same with my avatar
  • 3
    I had to shave mine off, because people kept trying to give me directions to the homeless shelter or buy me a hot meal... 😅
  • 2
    I'm 14 and I have to shave twice a week. When is too much? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 3
    @calmyourtities It's too much when you have to shave twice a day.
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    @brunofontes those grandpas are doing that ...
  • 1
    Mine has a short one. I can't even grow that
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    @linuxxx please share the wealth!
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    I'm not as fit as my avatar. Devrant should add fat avatars
  • 6
    @edwrodrig Oo you're 256!
  • 3
    That's not news to the NSA
  • 1
    @DirtyBit to be fair, i'm kinda glad they do, cause my face is glorious anyway and people need to see it (lol no)
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