i have been working on a web-based game and this is my daily routine (also i listen to rock and metal)

college to home to coding
looks like theres a small bug
shouldnt take much time
maybe this can work
i am not the first with this bug *here i come stack*
dont do this to me stack... theres suppose to be a fix for it
*extreme head banging*
F*** it
*changing songs*
nope this not helping
*rhythmic head banging*
oh god kill me
am i really that bad
*autistic screaming*
humming song instead of thinking of bug
(8 - 8:30) me: mom i am hungry
this shit is taking toooo much time
*high intensity screaming*
F*** you bug
coding, its not form me
*surfing devrant*
*felling i am normal*
(10 - 10:30) mom: when are you eating
*high pitch screaming*
i am leaving coding for sure now
its too late time to sleep
fml its late again, i am gonna miss the first lecture again
back to coding

A thousand year later...
Bug status: Still not fixed

  • 2
    You seem to scream a lot, have you tried to scream at the bugs to scare them away?
  • 1
    Give yourself a rest, there were times when I solved my bugs while being outside or playing games.
  • 0
    @Alfer the screaming might be because of the type of metal he listens ;)
  • 0
    Look for the ping pong technique it will help to solve some bugs and free your mind ;-)
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