I wonder what they mean by this

  • 6
    We value your opinion on Windows 11!
  • 12
    We value your opinion on Windows 11
  • 5
    There are exactly six spaces in “we value your opinion on Windows 11”. There are more than three such lines here. 666, the number of the beast, Bill Gates = illuminati confirmed, 5g causes coronavirus, your shot has mind control microchips in it

    wake up america
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    do they really need to repeat it like a broken record?
  • 1
    @kiki yes but obviously that's all disinformation to discredit the actual conspiracies..like the shapeshifter elite eating babies.

    Actually that last one might be true considering Epstein.
  • 2
    Sorry, I didn't catch that. What did they think about our opinion of Windows 11? They should repeat it a couple more times. Just in case.
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