Having to explain to asp classic developers why you shouldn't try to pass a DataRow to an MVC view


  • 3
    I just threw up in my mouth a little.
  • 4
    @shittywebdev yeah, the worst part is that this dev cannot be reasoned with. When I explain why he needs to use proper view models, he replied, this is why I hate entity framework (which we aren't even using at this point :/ )
  • 2
    reminds me of the struggles, trying to explain eg. laravel to a dev that only knows and have learned procedual style programming..

    worse yet, when they start to claim object oriented and namespaces are anti-patterns...
  • 3
    @lotd hearing a technology or methodology declared an anti-pattern is my favorite lol. I've found that happens when an individual has a weak argument.
  • 2
    "oh yeah?... well... uh... you're an anti-pattern!"
  • 0
    Lol. I have some projects in classic asp and some in mvc. I so hate it when I have bug fixes and feature requests for the ones in classic asp. We are moving Classic stuff gradually into mvc and it's a pain in the ass
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