>On a call with Manager
>he's showing off some code
>oh cool he's finally assigning me some real work

PM: So yeah, just wanted to have you on a call to show you how easy it was to fix this.

Me: ... Oh... OK.

PM: yeah so this was completely broken. The last guy that was working on this didn't do a great job. Like seriously, what is this? Amateur hour? Hahaha

Me:... Haha... Yeah, right... 🫠

PM: anyways I figured I would go ahead and do this because it would take me 10 minutes to figure out. It would probably would have taken you 3 hours or something to figure out.

Me: ok... <why tf am on this call other than for you to shit on my skills?>

PM: anyways just wanted to walk you through what I did and show you how easy it was to fix.

Me: ok.

  • 7
    If you need something for your ego, there's this thing called porn.

    (My answer to manager)
  • 8
    I'm just wondering why your PM is allowed to touch the code - don't they have a Gantt chart to be working on or something? 😅

    Engineering manager, sure, but PM? 🤔
  • 1
    Fuck, seriously. Way to flex when you should be teaching you egotistical insecure scumbag PM who lives to make others feel shitty about themselves to fulfill that void in your cancerous heart!
  • 2
    So BASICALLY this is QUALITY use of one’s time...teaching the dev something USEFUL be DAMNED! The purpose of the call was solely to demonstrate how much faster he can solve the ticket as if that’s some monumental accomplishment in his sad pathetic life. What useful lesson did he teach you? What did you gain from this meeting other than OH IM SO SMART I CAN SOLVE THIS IN TEN MINUTES YOU WOULD TAKE THREE HOURS HAHA IM A SCHOOLYARD BULLY DISGUISED AS AN ADULT?? Absolutely NOTHING
  • 3
  • 3
    This might be a valid HR complaint. This is definitely a personal attack that makes the other person feel less valid. It would make me want to incite violence.
  • 0
    @phat-lasagna yeah and it’s also a waste of productivity. That call was a complete waste of time, didn’t produce any meaningful result other than stroking the PM’s micro penis and yes verbal abuse and the pain that results from such abuse IS REAL. Fucker needs to have his job threatened, i would contemplate firing him if I was his manager bc nobody likes to work with or be around a shitbag
  • 1
    @TeachMeCode psshhh who tf cares about productivity. It’s not like he’s the spawn of satan lol.
  • 1
    Less work for me I guess... Just wish I was doing more of what my title says I am 🤪😂
  • 0

    it would make you want to incite violence, or it *would* incite violence?
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