
I'll be leading a team of devs as a company in the future. Tell me your stories of bad experience and what made you quit your job so i can learn what not to do

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    management was super condescending to me, no one listened to me when i said i didn't have working conditions, bad salary, no benefits, the office was a shoebox and everything was an undocumented mess
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    Boss was rarely on time in meetings and often left suddenly and never came back. He kept talking about how he had to interrupt his toilet break and do some actual work because his legs were getting numb. He was so full of shit both figuratively and literally. He always reserved multiple toilets for his depletion mission and switched between them mid-session. Sometimes he ran around the office without pants looting office supplies to staunch his leaky asshole. The toilets were usually clogged up. I decided to leave when he had stayed working his ass off overnight and I found him the next morning sleeping on my chair with a nuclear blast on my desk. Never again.
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    He also presented the organizational chart so that his office was a bomber plane and the teams were fighter jets. The names of the scrum roles were replaced with parts of a fighter jet. What a freak this dude was.
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    Can I apply for this job and or submit my resume?
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    @electrineer wtf are you talking about
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    OMG WTF @Demolishun , @johnmelodyme @Root if you haven’t seen @electrineer ‘s post describing his former boss please do so!
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    @TeachMeCode yo wtf 😳🤭🤣
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    @electrineer Bomber indeed!
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    @Root oh I get the use of the bomber jet now....thanks lol
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    He needs an extra large toilet reserved just for him called “the boss’s seat” and labeled as such
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