PostgreSQL or MySQL ?
And why?

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    Mysql for personal use, postgre for professional. The reason is time and availability
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    @RazorSh4rk so let say i build a project for client, which one is better? How is compatibility for cheap shared hosting?
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    @Letmecode yeah, mysql is mariadb now, but i just want to know what is better for real life
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    I like the JSON-Handling im Postgres very much 😀👍
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    @vannrith every hosting has mysql honestly, its fine for small to medium dbs
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    PostgreSQL, because fuck Oracle.
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    @3141 legit 😂
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    Haven't used it but I have a stress ball heheh
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    PDO! Then it doen't matter, right?
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    @Kaji J/K, I still use a MySQLi object because I still haven't taken the time to figure out PDO...
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    pg because gis
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    Use sqlite if you can get away with it. (Used far too little while often being the simplest and fastest solution). Use MonoDB when when you mostly have fieldable entities. Mariadb and Postgre are usually dictated by the ecosystem. Most php web applications use mysql(or Maria) so probably easier for other developers. Postgre is nicer as it is a bit more standards compliant.

    @Kaji PDO is php specific and does no abstraction to speak of. So queries with mysql functions won't work on Postgre or sqlite. Probably best to use an ORM if you want to be able to stay DB agnostic, else you have to be very careful.
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    Postgres. Automatic setups are easier. Better performance. Sticks to standard SQL. More features.
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    @Letmecode i worked with a guy who was a long time database sme and he said his favorite was postgres as well. He was massively smart and I trust his opinion but he never really elaborated why. What is it about postgres that draws you? Is it faster or more stable. Is the SQL in postgres more standardised?
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    @Letmecode awesome thanks.
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    Just posted a personal experience of this on an other rant, hold on a sec
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    There you go
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    @omomthings wow. That is a drastic improvement
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