If you use software buttons, which side do you prefer your back button on?

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    @melchior6 Do you use your phone with your left hand or have to reach all the way to the left side of the screen with your right?
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    I prefer not to use soft buttons at all, but having it at the right side is the best
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    @asgs same but my phone doesn't have hardware buttons
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    There's always that one guy @Flukz

    I hate it on the right and I have it on the left side.
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    Left. I'm so used to it
    And then I use a Samsung phone and open the app list
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    Right, every day of the week
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    Ok google, BACK!!!!!!!

    "Live smartly."
    -cozyplanes 2017
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    >google search with images of people's backs comes up
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    Lenovo P2, 1 button, rule them all.
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    @DirtyBit ur answer fits well with your username... Joking 😂
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    OnePlus 3
    Left side. Not a software button though
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    @CozyPlanes but I'm just an innocent flag
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    @DirtyBit hey one question
    Dont be mad at me
    R U Delicious?
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    First of all i always hate software buttons. It always misbehaves while playing games. And if your hands are wet then you are fucked. I don't have any preference for side of back button.
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    I really don't care where it is, if it is represented with a legit back icon.
    Intuitive icons ftw
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    Been using it like that for so many years that putting it on the right just doesn’t feel right.
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    Anyone who has​ their back button not on the right side, doesn't have it on the right side. ;)
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    I have it on the right side. Its more logical due to the backspace key on the keyboard being on the rightmost part of the keyboard.

    However, I hold the phone in left hand mostly.
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    What dense motherfucker got the idea of creating these retarded software buttons, that's got to be the worst idea in the histroy of mankind?
    If only there would be more manufacturers like one plus who at least give you an option of choosing whether you like to have the absolutely worst UX or you want a set of actual buttons and have some extra screen real estate.


    Oh and i like having mine on the left
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    @cankarales What about a phone like the galaxy s8 that doesn't have space for physical buttons
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    @DirtyBit I use the phone with the left hand, but for my brain, concepts as "back" "return" "previous" belongs to the left, as in pagination, or browser history, or keyboard, and so on.
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    Should be on the left because it points to the left.
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    @Deserter Backspace also points to the left
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    @DirtyBit But it signifies 'delete this left letter'. The back button points to empty space.
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    It might be easier to reach on the right side but left side is better because left = back or rewind on so many machines and browsers
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    @rewna I have a large phone and small hands though 😂
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    @DirtyBit Same here :p I think I'm gonna get one of those Pop-something circle thingy that you put on the back of your phone, so it's easier to hold the phone.
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    @rewna I have no idea what you mean lmao
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    @DirtyBit Popsockets, I think they're called. Google it 😉😂
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    @rewna Huh, looks pretty interesting, but awkward if people see you with it in your pocket iykwim
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    @DirtyBit 😂
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    @DirtyBit to me that's just a design failure :D
    i still prefer function over form
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    Top left 😂
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    @spneshaei do you press it with your nose too? 😂
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    Left, I don't see the logics to place back arrow, that points to the right, at the left side of the device
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