I wake up with so much interest and enthusiasm for programming and tech. It all goes away when I start work at 9 AM. Everyday at 5 PM, I question my career choices. I don't have the interest from the beginning of the day nor the energy to do anything.

  • 3
    Come start a cool business with me that totally doesn’t do drugs and farm greens
  • 5
    'I wake up with so much interest and enthusiasm'

    Just reminded me about a library I looked up before going to sleep, almost forgot about it,

    thanks for the reminder~
  • 0
    Sometimes happens to me, then, I try to remember what I have and to be thankful for it(specially comparing to myself from the pat).

    Gratitude(real one you get from looking into yourself) is the best tool to fight against indifference and depression bra
  • 0
    @arcioneo thank you for that but bra?
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