
If a developer was having a slump (unable to close tickets, find solutions, get mind to work)
What could they possibly do to fix it?

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    Take a week or two off from being in a slump, and don't use a PC/laptop at all for that week, a no code vacation.

    Comeback refreshed.
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    As we love to say in this field: It depends.

    ideally I'd try to find the reason first. One thing I've noticed after the pandemic is that some people just don't function as well alone. It's not that they are slacking, they just benefit more from being in an environment that provides momentum and routine.

    Or they could be hating having to work with IIS and jquery and it makes me feel like I'm stagnating.
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    yeah, for me it's what @C0D4 said. I need to take time off until I feel that I want to code something for fun again. Usually takes a week or two before I start feeling like doing it.

    It's best if you can take time off from work, but it's possible to do it while working if you take it easy at work and mostly pick tickets that are simple or interest you at least somewhat. Depends on your work environments though. At my company it's not a big deal, no one is micromanaging our timeschedules or estimates and when I don't feel like coding much I add some extra time to my estimates during planning so that we can still deliver what is promised and I can take it a bit easier on the tasks.

    It's best if you can avoid getting into a slump though. And the best way to do it is good time management, no working overtime and when at home do other active stuff so you fill your life with interesting events.

    Godspeed soldier
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    Swallow pride, ask help.
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    @aviophile You're right, man. Ended up getting help, got an action plan hope it works.
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    @C0D4 @Itlian @Hazarth

    Thank you all three of you - all three of you are right and I'm taking up the suggestions

    Taking break. changing environment, and hopefully getting to pick up different tickets

    I hope something works. Appreciate the help
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