
Annddd… it gets worse. Double down corporate cringe let’s go! 😵‍💫😬

  • 4
    that's low
  • 1
    F Samsung.

    From a redmi fan.
  • 5
    If I wanted my phone to fold, I'd get a Motorola RAZR
  • 2
    Who even reads ads
  • 2
    multiple window view, handle multiple tasks at the same time...on a mobile phone. It already sounds stressful.
  • 3
    So they are no longer breaking after couple of month?
  • 1
    i actually like it =D
  • 2
    apple's been playing the vapid "revolutionary regarding all the cool but useless impractical shit" game for the past decade and a half, calling them out like this on falling behind in it is funny
  • 1
    @Midnight-shcode yeah, but while Samsung is barking and bragging, Apple looks like the mature one of the two.

    Which I'm not enjoying...
  • 3
    "Yeah, no. I’m good. You do your thing with that folding bullshit. I do my thing."

    Besides, Apple has some bad experience with "flexible" phones 😆
  • 6
    @Lensflare to be fair, they were the first in the market with "flexible" smartphones. Long before Samsung :D
  • 3
    @netikras All depends what they will do in the futur...

    I can already imagine the headliner in a few years :

    'New Iphone now with unique and never seen before Iflex, fold your iphone as you please.'
  • 3
    @Grumm that's admitting the failure. That's reacting to what's out there. Instead, I'd expect Apple to introduce some far cooler technology than just flipping your phone. That way Apple would show that it leads the market instead of chasing after their competitors achievements trying to be as good as they are
  • 3
    How laughable. Is "being able to fold" really a good selling point? The point of owning a phone is being mobile, easy to carry, easy to store, usable by one hand.

    If I really want to multitask, I will simply take out my MIcrosoft Surface.
  • 1
    yeah, flexing for two years. Indeed
  • 1
    …yeah right. Craftmanship.
  • 0
    @kiki they are already on the level of whatever is made using CAD + robots = craftsmanship

    (But sure you need some skill to design and make robots no ?)
  • 4

    > Is "being able to fold" really a good selling point?

    when you reach the point where there's nothing new you can offer, any bell or whistle you can think of becomes a selling point of desperation.

    A flower carved on the casing might be the next year's selling point. Bcz what else would you create the hype of...? Technology is all invented already.
  • 2
    @Grumm typo. just a typo. on a landing page of a flagship product made by multi-billion dollar company.
  • 0
    Oh wow this blew up lol
  • 2
    @kiki Yes, I didn't notice it at first, but as I was writing the word, I saw something missing.

    When people buy your shit without thinking, I guess it doesn't matter how you spell stuff.
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