

Fucking goddamn thundercunt.

  • 16
    I’m bitching to HR tomorrow. Already have a page and a half of shit typed up.

    I probably won’t be able to keep myself from ragequitting this/next week.
  • 8
    @Root her continuing to barrage you with word salad while you were passed out without calling an ambulance should be something hr should look into the most as well. She should get locked up just for that.
  • 7
    @Root Thats great! Be sure to begin with all your achievements, sacrifices, blood, sweat, and tears!
    I would list them all.
    Then grill her.

    Good luck 🍀
  • 5
    Ever wonder what this woman is like when she gets back to whatever layer of hell shes from? Can you imagine what she does or is like to other people around her outside the office? I can imagine someone like this smashing her son’s Playstation for failing a pop quiz in English class or grabbing her cat by the tail, spinning it around and tossing it at her husband like a flying nunchuck bc he didn’t get a raise for their trip to France. She probably owns at least 20 cats
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    Wait til they find out whats in the folder when they run cd /
  • 1
    If you change jobs make sure she doesn't know where you went to work. So she cannot follow you.
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    @kiki Caught doing what? Am I missing some story here? Feel free to elaborate
  • 1
    You have 404 rants now Root. It's a thing of beauty.
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    @mcalis Ha, so I do! 😁
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    @kiki looser deleted his comment without explanation
  • 1
    I take it the new leadership you’re under didn’t take away the old one..
  • 2
    @badcopnodonuts Yeah, Thundercunt still rules the daily standups. I don’t have weekly 1:1’s with her anymore, which is nice. Instead I have to send daily summaries of my work and hours to her boss, which kind of sucks.

    Less micromanaging and insults this way, and I kind of like him. Still a shit place to work, though. And my health is not improving (kinda the opposite?), which makes finding somewhere else to go incredibly difficult.

    Bleh. I’ll survive somehow.
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