
Every job description out there:
" JUNIOR XY position.
Requirements: 50 years experience of Assembly, Java and Masonry, HTML, cloud based computing and artificial intelligence. Must be able to write algorithms like Hummingbird. Fluent in English, Mandarin and Latin. Must have five doctor and two Bachelor degrees. Experience in leading a Fortune 500 company benefitial.
Renumeration: 5 rice grains"

  • 16
    Even better: Must have 10 years of experience in technology X which has only been around for 5 years.
  • 14
    Sometimes they also require reloaction to Mars 😒
  • 4
    Well, this is because the hr departments doesn't have any idea about programing so they just throw any requirements and 99% of applications wont meet the requirements.
    However they pick the best applications they got even though they don't meet the requirements
  • 1
    This is what dating is like. People chat a lot of shit about what they think they want.

    Perhaps the 1st programmer test is to realise all requirements are bullshit, you will have what I give you if you're desperate enough.
  • 0
    Best advice I ever received in this regard is to just apply anyway. Even if you're nowhere near the qualification requirements. If you make an impression, they might keep you in mind for another position in the future, or even change the scope of the position they're filling and decide to take a chance on you.
  • 3
    Desirable: general ability to solve NP-complete problems in polynomial time
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