Me and my girlfriend are arguing, because I'm programming a lot and I don't have time to give her attention. She said if I don't give her attention, she will break up with me.
Any suggestion where I can find a good tutorial for C#?

  • 7
  • 14
    Frankly... Not funny...
  • 52
    Good advice: Dude give her some attention.

    Bad advice: read MSDN for good c# tutorials.
  • 1
  • 12
    Yes human, I'm so proud of you, you're priorities are 100% in the right place. BTW if you're willing to pay pluralsight has some good tutorials, else, you have tutorialspoint.
  • 0
    @nocgod nah, it is. :)
  • 9
    Should tech her the love of Programming 😂
  • 1
    Microsoft virtual academy
  • 4
    A sharp question
  • 21
    Break up with her and get a GF that is also addicted to coding, then code togheter.
  • 27
    @nocgod why not? I love my girlfriend very much but if she ever threatened to break up with me for working/doing what I love instead paying her extra attention, I would break it off in a second. She'd do the same because we have our priorities straight. Well...not 'straight' but you get the idea.
  • 0
    Teach her while you code
  • 5
    @Darkler because breaking up over this is running away from problems, not solving them, that's not the software developer way to do. I'm 9 years with my wife, if every time we'd have shit like this come between us we'd never survive all this time.
  • 8
    @nocgod It just sounds like he doesn't really want to spend time with her, possibly because she's demanding too much time.
  • 3
    @Darkler every relationship requires time and work. I'm no longer coding at home, I do it 9 hours a day at work and get paid (well) for it. At home I'm with my family and hobbies when there's time.
  • 4
    @nocgod sure but not if she think she's the only priority or if he just plain doesn't want to be around her
  • 2
    @DeadBladeLord the only time majority Internet citizens pay for something is when they are ordering on an e-commerce website, 😀
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  • 4
    @Darkler is it possible to have priorities gay? 🤔
  • 4
    My ex girlfriend would suck me of while coding... She loved it and I loved coding (still do of course). Was a fun time but we broke up :(
  • 2
    @eldamir are you asking if gay people can have priorities? (also I'm bi, but eh, semantics)
  • 2
    @Darkler just playing off your pun. Nevermind 😜
  • 8
    @CodeMasterAlex what a weird thing to share publicly
  • 4
    @eldamir (wasn't offended btw but OHHHH I'm dumb lol) and I think so. I have my priorities both ways sooo
  • 2
    @Darkler had that problem too... God I wish there were more women in engineering and computer science. I seem to not be able to get along with non-science women more that 1-2 years...
    I would be so much fun if both knew coding and there could be so much done together in a nice atmosphere :)
  • 5
    @qbasic16 mine doesn't code but she is interested
  • 4
    Then fight over emacs vs vim, Linux vs Windows, tabs over space, atom vs code and again do brake up and then fucked up and have nightmare about dieing lonely again find simple gf fucking cycle goes on 😂😄@Salmakis
  • 0
    Well as much as I appreciate ur enthusiasm, don't u think this is a little self centered?
    We should care about other ppls feelings too

    Try this one - https://m.youtube.com/playlist/...
  • 1
    Are you seriously thinking of exchanging your gf for c#? That's typical of windows users lol just kidding, but I'd go with your gf or if you don't like her, just break up
  • 2
    Why are people commenting relationship advice like you know the guy? Just enjoy the joke!
  • 5
    You don't need any tutorials, use glasses to C#
  • 0
    Can we get an update on this?
  • 1
    @darkcode it was a joke
  • 1
    @darkcode actually, there's a little of truth in this joke, my gf really needs attention and she gets mad/sad when i don't give some to her (long distance relationship)
  • 1
    @nrlhq that is the best joke I've ever heard.
  • 1
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    Just 64 more ++ to get a stress ball! Help me out guys!!!
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