Do you use Git with GUI or CLi?

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    @Haxk20 Why? Honestly I'm using GUI for the simplicity
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    terminal... and only in the terminal
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    Both, depending on situation.
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    Mostly - terminal. But when I need to commit not all files or revert changes - GUI.
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    Cli running detached head
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    Big cli fan here, but git needs a gui.:b
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    I'll take the command line interface, I use the terminal for everything. i3 ftw
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    Always CLI!
    GUIs are for scrubs ^_^
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    Tried most popular gui clients, ended up using SmartGit for its functionality and configurability.
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    CLI. Just recently aliased 'git flow feature start' to gitffs. Its nice.
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    GUI. GitKraken. Wow.
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    I never use cli, unless for git and node server management..
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    GUI. I use sourcetree.
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    CLI. Always CLI, unless if I have a merge conflict - then I use IntelliJ's merge tool
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    Stage in GitKraken and commit with commitizen cli
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    CLI for push, pull, commit, merge, status, etc.

    GUI for blame & log (from IDE), because it offers some convenience.

    Some global OS hotkeys with specific commands, like doing a pull-commit-push "sync" on personal dotfiles, doing git pull-rebase-autostash on all repos simultaneously, or running git bisect good/bad/old/new on revisions.
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    CLI all day everyday
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    Terminal. Always. I forgot git GUIs even existed
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    CLI - because it makes my boss Think im smarter than i am 😂😆

    Actually i use GUI to cherry pick and CLI to commit, pull, push, check logs and so on 🍻

    And i do emojies in commits
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    @nicholai @Skayo @Sarcaxxo I tried Gitkraken once... did not end well for me. Tried to merge two commits, ended up ruining both of them. Spent an hour trying to fix it. First and last time I use GUI for git
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    GUI, not sure why people say it's slow I do a couple clicks type my commit message and commit and push.

    Though I have used CLI before, I'd probably use it if I had more reason to do so.
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    @Deserter you can do stuff quicker, in an environment with no gui and can also abuse redirection to other commands with CLI
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    GUI for mergin (jetbrains has an awesome plugin ) else CLI
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    Git with CLI because my first exposure started on the CLI and now I find most GUIs confusing and cumbersome (GitHub + GitKraken).

    But I only use a max of 5 commands anyway...
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    @ChainsawBaby i dunno when you did it, but that's another thing i do with GitKraken.
    We use Greenkeeper.io and sometimes we will have 3-5 PRs with package upgrades and I will merge all together like that.
    The software has improved drastically the past months, you should give it a go again.
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    inside ide, so gui
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    I'll never use GUI.
    It's always Command line.
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    If you use the console you will impress your peers and look intelligent xD
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    @Zero6033 If it only takes that much to impress your peers... you should probably look for new peers.
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    @bittersweet jajaja probably xD
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    Sourcetree to pull or branch from Repo (Repo is Stash with Jira tie in)

    IntelliJ for everything day to day (IntelliJ is my ide)

    Cli for when I really mucked up or just need to revert the entire merge mid process
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