Unicode domains is the shittiest feature introduced in web recently.

People who came up with this idea must be fucking dumb or have ties with internet scammers.

  • 3
    yeah the whole tld thing is out of hand.
  • 8
    I agree, it's so stupid and serves almost no practical purpose even close to the amount of problems it creates.
  • 1
    It's only "stupid" if your language does not need Unicode characters (unlike, for example, Chinese)
  • 1
    @losdanielos then limit it to those characters or something. Opening up the whole internet to being exploited and opening up various difficult to counter attacks certainly isn't the answer.
  • 0
    @dfox im very curious as to how this is vulnerable?
  • 2
    @nicholai I saw an article about this the other day. Abusers using similar looking characters to grab domains like youtube.com, and then just getting an SSL certificate and then at that point it becomes pretty hard for a normal user to differentiate between that and the actual site. People fall for a lot less than that so this can probably trick even more sophisticated users.

    You can google phishing with Unicode domains for more information.
  • 0
    @dfox right, that makes sense. I briefly thought it was an issue of security holes.
  • 3
  • 1
    @bittersweet exactly, so crazy
  • 0
    @bittersweet when I copy pasted it, it became https://www.xn--80ak6aa92e.com

    Seems like its more of a browser bug?
  • 3
    @billgates Google chrome removed that stupid feature that displayed it in unicode characters in the latest update after this was reported. Not sure other browsers like opera reversed it.
  • 1
    @HoloDreamer seems so did FB.

    Though it was working last night...
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