Anyone ever had the opposite of "It works on my machine"? (Works everywhere else, just not on my machine)

  • 13
    Every shitty python script ever.
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    totally. long time ago
  • 2
    This happens a lot. Not just for random shitty scripts but even for JS modules.

    You install something from npm and prolly it wouldn't install or work on your machine. Searching the net won't yield anything, so you're on your own.
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    One of my first project, yes, some encoding bullshit :D
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    Yes, LaTeX documentation had some old cache and got error everywhere. Delete all, reset git to latest and rebuild and everything got working again.
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    "everyone else can print, why can't I?"
    "this program works everywhere, but why doesn't it work on my pc?! (because you're not fucking connected to the internet, just like your fucking brain isn't connected to your eyes because they're up your arse)"
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    But yeah. My own code a lot, usually it's my own stupidity of having three devices I use to code.
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    Happened the other day, i was trying to watch HBO GO on a friend's computer and it simply wasn't playing. I open it using the same OS, browser, software installed for said browser, and it works fine. some programs can be weird
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    @cako91 just started using docker for with team. Life is much simpler
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    happens when i try to install games or use cracks for software🤐🤐🤐
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    It happens sometimes with Magento for me.
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    Happened with my app last week..the notifications in it didn't work on either of my phones.. Surprisingly worked on my friends' phones.. I've been thru hell and back in the last week.. I even put up a question with a bounty on Stackoverflow..none of the answers worked.. I've finally solved it today.. Gona answer my own question tmrw...
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    Yes i waa coding on laptop and the default windows font size was 150%. This was making a bug that only i could see.

    Took me 3 days...
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    @coldfire Don't crack shit (except Adobe stuff, because subscriptions are shit)
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    @filthyranter i am not paying for winrar n i disliked the popup😎😎
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