My biggest problem with Visual Studio Code is that every fucking piece of shit dev thinks it's their duty to introduce it to me. STOP. Just stop this shit, alright? Wanna use vscode? Fine, just don't tell me it's the best tool and I MUST use it instead of the tools I'm used to. I'm tired of this bullshit.
Every new project, every new team. Starting from js/java/.net monke and ending with PMs, I must hear this bullshit about god blessed IDE that I must use, because "why you need intellij/webstorm/rider? just install vscode and some plugins. we all use it in our project and it's ok".
FUCK YOU! Refactoring is not just renaming variables and extracting blocks of code into functions. If you want terminal integrated into your text editor with highlighting and LSP support, so be it. I want an IDE with rich refactoring tools, code analysis and good completion, database viewing/modeling support, good build tools support, good UI for git and git-diff, good test and code coverage support. I don't want your semi-IDE, bloated with hundreds of bugged third-party plugins, which I must spend a week on to configure and merry with each other before using.
JUST STOP this crap and let people use the tools they are proficient/comfortable/productive with.

  • 4
    Don't use VS Code use a real JetBrains IDE instead!
  • 5
    let me introduce you to visual studio code:

    it's garbage.

    now let's move on to a better editor. for example: anything else. except visual studio.
  • 1
    Just give in then. And they’ll leave you alone
  • 2
    Well... there's consistent issues when you work on the same files with different IDEs
  • 2
    @Taqsblaz3: That settings make your code IDE agnostic: UTF 8 without BOM, end of line is LF only, no tabs, indent level 4, no auto format, no automatic line trimming (even though it is a nice feature if you can get the whole team to use it).
  • 2
    I find advocacy in the opposite direction is usually enough to shut them up, especially once you start proselyting vim or emacs. Then people just back away slowly as you type out lost incantations of unfathomable power.
  • 3
    For all the haters in here: give me a better IDE for TypeScript I dare you
  • 1
    @fullstackchris visual studio. I'm kidding. Don't downvote or whatever.
  • 1
    Whatever, just don't use eclipse
  • 0
    Using neovim but on the verge of switching to vscode 😔
  • 1
    Works great for my stack but it’s true that vs code users are the vegans of programming.
  • 0
    @fullstackchris tell me what you mean by IDE for typescript (what features you use, to be precise). Then we can talk if there is a point in better IDE for such needs and which IDEs can fit them.
  • 2
    @demortes I find visual studio often horrible even just for .NET, slow loading, renames call freezes. can't say I've tried any codebases that use TypeScript though.

    i'm on mac, and what's worse is i've heard rumours of there "omg new total revap" visual studio 2022 is even slower.... god...
  • 0
    @fullstackchris I'm a fan of vs. I've briefly tried netbeans etc. But I'm a dotnet Dev and as part of our stack we also do angular with legacy in python and php. VS is fully featured where vscode gets by.

    My hold up is relearning keybinds and then there's a lot of setup for debuggers since legacy code can't run on windows and running legacy requires a vm. If the system was much smaller I could explore ides in the VM but that's a pipedream
  • 1
    @fullstackchris can confirm, it's awful. VS Code runs fine though 😅
  • 0
    @dootlurk try running vscode with 160 projects in one repo....
  • 1
    @demortes that's just terrible practice even in vs imo
  • 0
    @dootlurk yeah but still happens. Couldn't convince them to put each microservice in its own repo. Does make MRs easier tho...
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