I have the strange feeling my teammate likes python more...

  • 2
    Wtf is this shit?!
  • 2
    Nah, it's just a feeling, don't worry and keep going :P
  • 1
    it's from one assignment of last year's "advanced introduction to c++" course, my teammate was apparently just making sure not to forget a semicolon :D
  • 9
    the pain in seeing a ; after an if
  • 2
    I have lesser comments on entire live websites :p #baddev
  • 6
    c // our variable, short for counter.
    + // a symbol commonly used to add things, also known as 'plus'
    = // an assignment operator, which adds a value when combined with a plus.
    1 // one. Less than two, but a bit more than zero. This number serves as an incrementor here.
    ; // the end of our line.
  • 0
    y = r; //y equals r
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