My parents have never had a router faster than 10Mb/s. When our most recent one finally bit the dust, I urged them to buy a decent one, because everyone uses the internet now. LOOK AT THE SPEED WE'VE BEEN MISSING.

  • 3
    I wish our cables would be able to handle at least something similar
    we have 20mbit max

    at work I have 800mbit
  • 7
    The worst thing is, once you get used to fast internet you will immediately start hating everything that's slower. I had to stay at my parents place for a weekend and they're on 6Mb/s, while my connection at home is 400Mb/s. I refused to download anything over 1GB because it would just take ages.
  • 5
    I hope they use it for more than just email like my parents.
  • 2
    My parents had 3 mbps for around a decade. Recently upgraded to 120 mbps, little bit of a speed bump... :)
  • 0
    and there are still places with ADSL which gives me 10mbps even with the most expensive operator's program. FML, I download everything at work/school
  • 0
  • 3
    You upgraded from
    10 Mbps to 10MBps
  • 0
    I have never heard of a 10mb router, where did they find that piece of shit.
  • 0
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