
Whatsapp...if you're trying to switch over to a new phone or just reinstalling on the same phone for some reason.
It creates a "local" backup everyday at 2.30 am and a Google drive backup depending on the frequency you set in the settings (I usually keep it to "Weekly"). I've lost important messages this way more than I care to admit.

  • 4
    Send Facebook a message. I'm sure they have a copy.
  • 0
    Are you saying the local backups from a fresh install overwrote the previous copy in the remote?

    I have set it to Daily and I haven't experienced any data loss. however, I don't include media in the backups
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    @asgs It's quite the opposite. After reinstalling, I chose to restore from remote rather than the local, so I lost some messages that were not yet backed up to remote
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    @cygnus ah. Got it

    Doesn't whatsapp ask to restore from backup before opening future chats?
  • 0
    @asgs Yes it does. And at that point restore should be done from local backup instead of Google drive. This is where I messed up.
  • 1
    PEBCAK. Of course you transfer all the data you need to the new phone. However, it should be better documented.
  • 2
    @electrineer TIL PEBCAK :) Had never heard of it before. Good to know there's an official term for that situation.
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