
mfw the devops told me he doesn’t know how to rebase without GUI.

True story.

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    That's when you burn his computer
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    git merge --rebase

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    I don‘t use git cli either. Only gui. So what?
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    If you have a working gui where you learned it why would you have to learn cli?

    Thats an elitist attitude.

    We have a mix in our teams, some use gui client and some use cli and some both.

    Its just as outdated as claiming that every dev should know and use assembly to be a real dev.

    I have done rebase through cli but I do it rarely enough that I usually look up the syntax since it is so very easy to do it from within visual studio where I do all development, why would i spend the extra time to do it in a console just because ;)
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    @Voxera imagine gatekeeping on something like this. Oh, you use an ultrasonic scalpel that allows clean, easily healing incisions, you're such a pussy. Anyone can do surgeries with this. Back in _my_ days we used steel ones, and if you can't use it, you're not a surgeon
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    If they _know_ what they're doing I don't care.

    But if they don't know what they're doing and instead it looks like they're randomly clicking as many random locations as possible... Then I'll get furious.

    Or if the discussion goes like "yes I should have resolved NY better but I didn't know how to do it, so instead of asking and trying the CLI way I spend 2 days bickering and moaning till someone else did the CLI way"....

    Then I'm furious and don't see a point in giving the benefit of doubt.

    It's fine to use a GUI - as long as it's constructive, knowing the consequences and efficient.
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    @kiki @Voxera

    To be honest, I have the shittiest memory.

    There was a time where I was pretty familiar with many larger open source projects, such as Gnome, Metacity and Compiz, and actively contributed to them.

    There was a time where I could edit files faster in Vim, and was proud of how amazing my Vim config file was.

    And at one point I knew everything described under "plumbing commands" from the Git manual.

    But all those neurons have disconnected again.

    Currently it's like "bzzzz computing, computing, grinding hard disk noises" -- eh, let me quickly search how to fucking undo my unpushed commits. It was something with a HEAD and a tilde... whatever.

    The internet can be my brain.

    I don't do whiteboard interviews either. Fuck that, a whiteboard doesn't have autocomplete or linting.

    And yeah, when the ISP is having a blackout... I just accept my fate as a brainless internet-dependent developer, and I'll go make some sandwiches.
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    @bittersweet It is like no one is able to navigate without a Gps enabled phone, or something similar anymore.

    There is no need to remeber the details anymore. We only need to understand the ideas... Did the guy knows what fast forward merge, and rebase does? good enough. he can google the rest.
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    Well, when using a JetBrains IDE, it doesn't matter whether you where a hardcore CLI fetishist before. You will end up using its GUI for everything - it is just that good!
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    @bittersweet I do have quite a good knowledge of cli and use it regularly even for git when the built in client in VS does not work, for us that is the commit hooks that need to run un a bash shell due to history, i might get around to solving that some day ;)

    But anything not requiring that I do n VS.

    On my former work we did not have client side hooks so everyone used gui for git, there just was no reason to learn the cli.
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    Yeah sure there’s a lot of GUIs on servers and stuff.

    Not like there’s a ton of resources to learn the basics of this tool.

    But yeah call it gatekeeping if you feel offended.
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    @Lensflare there’s a difference between not using and not knowing. Definitely.
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    @Maartz I also don‘t know it. And there is no reason why I should. I can look it up if I ever need it.
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    i never did a rebase without GUI cause i like to look at what I'm rebasing, but isn't it just a matter of using google? i bet it's in any cheat sheet
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    @darksideofyay yes its easy to find, but I can also easily see that unless you actually do use cli for it from time to time you probably do not “know” how to do it on the top of of head.

    I do have an idea and could probably find the rest even from cli help but go back 3 years and I could not even commit through cli since i had never used cli version, I had been using git for years (4 or 5) just only through some gui tool like git kraken or similar.
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    The comments here make me realize that resourcefulness is the key to success. If you know where you can get your information in the least resistant way possible, you should always take it.
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    I also think git command line operation can be unnecessarily complicated. Good for him, not being a tryhard wanker and know tools are just tools, not the endgame.
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