
Imagine a person in 2020 meeting a time traveller from 2030.
— man, this pandemic sucks
— yeah, it's just the first year though
— the first what?
— yeah, pandemic didn't even end until the war
— until the WHAT?

  • 15
    imagine there still being people in 2030.
  • 2
    I mean it's possible that covid dies down once we nuke each other into the stone age a few times over
  • 0
    Nukes are not the answer to viruses, even if that what the Movies tell you.

    However - nukes are the answer to bad code.
  • 0
    I remember there's a meme of it, and now it came true...
  • 2
    I just want to say I called most of this in March of 2020:


    but I didn't realize it would last THIS long:

  • 0
    @magicMirror aaand to climate change so there's also an upside 🙃
  • 0
    When he comes from 2030, chances are, he did not mean the Russia-Nato Proxy war - probably speaking about the China-Japan War instead...
  • 4
    I hope the 2030 dude says: "The awakening of consciousness of human race occurred. We threw off the shackles of a worldwide blackmail system. We built a better world that values the person and their purpose in the universe. We are building ships to traverse space. This has taught humans to live with less power, resources, and space. This solved the climate issues and the endless need for war for profit. Oh, and Javascript no longer exists. Rust is used for everything. All restaurants are Taco Bell."
  • 0
    @Demolishun we have nothing to lose but our biases
  • 3
    The scariest part in this is that the time traveler refers to it as The War, implying that, like the Great War, it was so massive that it redefined the meaning of the word, as if this was the only War to date.
  • 1
    @Demolishun in just 8 years from now? Far too soon! 😄

    It‘s more likely to get much worse until 2030 until it eventually gets better. Or even worse.
  • 0
    @Lensflare I am a bit shocked. You literally just told me: it is for better or for worse. Are you proposing? ;-) lol
  • 1
    @Demolishun as you can see, my logic is infallible. 😄
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