
Am I the only engineer that has a terrible time with relationships(not db relationship lol) I get so caught up in work.

How do y’all manage?

  • 2
    Same here, relationships always gets the lowest priority in my life.
    All relationships except my kids, they are above all else.
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    At a certain point in my life, i started to hate relationships.

    Should I ever fall in love, the opinion will change for sure, but currently...


    Main reason is that I love to work and I love to commit myself to a person in a relationship.

    One thing has to suffer for the other. It hit me the first time I realized it, but yes - it's a simple equation: I would need a relationship where one either is happy with me being a partial workaholic or I'd need to get another job that I could share with a partner.

    Not working is for me... Out of question.

    As I had to think a few times in life about early retirement, I can say that it was always a terrible thought to _not have anything useful to do_.

    Working part-time is kind a like eating a half bag of chips or half a chocolate... Sure you can do it with a whole lot of willpower, but it's not really... Satisfying?
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    My gf is simply also very busy so we support each other and push each other to achieve more. Of course every now and then we also take dedicated time just for us. Other relationships suffer a bit but it is a decent trade off considering how difficult previous relationships been in this regard
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    Simple, I do not value my job enough to make it my end all be all. It is more important for me to have my wife and child happy than my boss (even tho I am cool with the dude) but the biggest thing was having a director that literally says this to us all the time "family and health comes first, we will die and this institution will stay here, take care of yourselves and your family"

    So there is that. I was not born to just give myself to an institution, and neither should you.
  • 4
    By remembering that very few people
    say “I wish I had worked more and spent less time with people I cared about” on their deathbed. Memento mori.
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    date someone in the field
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