Dear Boss

Would you.
The Standup.

You've fucked around with the meeting time eight times since the end of Jan. Figure your schedule out, pick a time for our daily shit, and stick to it dude. PLEASE.

I'm a family man and you're making my mornings absolute hell to plan for.



  • 6
    Fucking with the daily standup time is the single most stupid thing you can do.
    Nobody is going to start coding before it.
  • 1
    @magicMirror lmao good to know I’m not alone
  • 1
    I agree with the stand up time. But I'm also wondering how you being a family man affects it? 8 to 5. Outside of that it's your time. That's my thought. Just curious.
  • 1
    @demortes I'm a solo family man who works from home and has a tiny human who (for the moment) gets his schooling right here with me at home, thus having recurring, but unpredictably timed meetings that are constantly in flux between 8 and 10am--a block of time I have boxed out on my calendar, mind you with the exception of standups for this very reason--for weeks at a time means *his* mornings are constantly chaotic and in flux.

    Believe me when I tell you this: It ain't fun, friend.

    I'm bringing it up with boss at our next 1:1 and appealing to whatever I can for some stability here.
  • 2
    @ComputerToucher if you have an agreement with your manager like that then I think telling your boss stand ups before 10am are a no go anymore and can attend after. They'll keep stomping on you until you enforce office hours agreed upon.
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