
There are two kinds of programmers — those who have written compilers and those who haven't.
— Terry A. Davis

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    RIP Terry... The Glowies got him :(
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    I belong in the first category then. Designing a programming language is the most fullfilling thing i've done.
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    @plusgut I’d like to try it one day. The only thing that I did was to write an interpreter for Scheme. And I didn’t even finish it. It was a lot of fun and I learned a couple of things. I guess writing a compiler will be a much bigger challenge, though.
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    I wanted to make a joke about JS programmers being the third kind.
    But then I realized that it would be silly to call them programmers, so I changed my mind 😄
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    @Lensflare than go at it and build one ;)
    The target language for mine is actually Javascript.
    A year ago I've discovered haskell and fell in love with it, ever since then I wanted to have a similar development experience as a frontend developer. Therefore I wrote my language and am having a blast with it.
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    Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? You guys are writing compliers
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    @rox79 and you should do too, it's an amazing learning experience.
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    back in school, in computer science class, i solved the tasks by writing a brainfuck interpreter on the fly, and implementing the solution in brainfuck. (i still was done way before all the others) does that count?
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    @tosensei i would say it counts ;)
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    @kiki I hope you first invented a domain specific language/compiler for compiler development, and now finally developing your compiler for the actual domain specific language you designed for your project (no unit tests pls).
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