
Is Angular.js or Ember.js the better choice for JavaScript frameworks?

  • 2
    It depends.
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    “better” and “js” in the same sentence??
  • 1
    @Cyanide well, better is relative, isn’t it? ”JS” and ”good” in the same sentence would be a sign of a severe mental illness, unless ”good” was preceded with a negative.
  • 0
    By Angular.js do you mean the old AngularJS (Angular 1.x) or "Angular" (Angular 2+)?
    AngularJS should not be used anymore as it has become rather old and is a mess to work with.

    I don't know Ember.js yet.
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    Angular looks really ugly. Svelte has problem with code navigation, angular is probably way worse. People say it's difficult to reduce bundle size with angular. Never saw ember in the wild
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    @rEaL-jAsE I read your comment as "use MasterJS" 😄
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