

My laptop just died for the third time.

Need to buy a new one. Not a mac.

Linux machine with 15" screen, sdd, usb c, with 8gb ram and a graphics processor.


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    MacBook pro 15", is actually a mac, but uses a Unix system where people get paid to work on
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    Probably the ThinkPads will be your best option, just watch out for those U processors.
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    @mrbongiolo What's up with the U processors?
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    Thinkpads are the way to go. Call it brand loyalty, but they really don't disappoint.
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    @Kyoton optimized for longer battery backup means less perfomance
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    Dell xps
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    @mansoorkn Thanks for that! I think I've got an i7-6700U in my laptop right now. Good to know!
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    @Kyoton Whoops, 6500U
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    Dude, you are getting a Dell!
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    It seems everyone is getting either ThinkPads or Dell XPS
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    Xps 15. I have the 13 because I don't need a high end graphics card. Killer machine​ imo.
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    HP Elite book 740 G2/3.

    Well oiled machines, those are.
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    Whatever you buy don't get an acer. Got one last week with the requirements you listed along with a m.2 slot but the bios is locked down worse than fort knox with virtualization turned off. And the only way to get a hacked bios is to pull the chip and flash it
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    I have a thinkpad with third generation i7 U processer, with an SSD and 16GB, I can run two windows server vms without having performance issue. Each VM has SQL server, one has SharePoint and the other have microsoft Dynamics, I also can run 4 Ubuntu vms without issues (of course when windows vms are off)
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    Thinkpad x1
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    As someone who uses a custom desktop and a macbook,if I had my way I'd get a thinkpad, with as much ram as I could jam into it (I devtest in chrome) ;)
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    Definitely xps, they're fully supported in newer kernels and don't know about the thinkpads, but I get around 12-14hrs of active use just from some pretty basic powertop/tlp settings. But I also went for a 1080p because of the matte screen, probably different for wqhd and uhd
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    All of you, thanks for the suggestions.

    Is XPS 15 available with Ubuntu? Or any linux distro for that matter? Same question for the thinkpad, and any particular thinkpad?
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    @chipset Xps wouldn't come stock with Linux, as very few devices do, but you could install it :) literally any thinkpad, with at least quad core and as much ram as possible (12-16gb min)
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    @chipset I think you can order dells without an OS though, if you're looking at cost saving.
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    Buy an asus winhout vindows, it will save money
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    @SamOrSomething @monr0e I can do that, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to configure the graphics drivers properly. My current laptop has intel hd which does not require anything to be configured in ubuntu.

    I was also considering getting a System76, but they don't have after sales and warranty in India, and they don't ship here either.
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    @chipset only the xps 13 developer edition comes pre installed, but of you get a 15 a d ask for no os, you can download dells patched Ubuntu in the drive section but it's the old LTS, current version from Ubuntu site is supported out of the box
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    @orangelightsabr I'm fine with running 14.04 or 16.04,if that's what's available.
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    @runfrodorun have you used or is using a U processor? Are they really ok for dev jobs? I ask because in the cpubenchmark they got a lower score than even some 12' or 13' processors...
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    @runfrodorun yeah i never messed with them cause i never liked intel but from reading about them it sounds like the processor is in a powersaving mode by default meaning if you have a way to set the os governer to performance it should be the same as a regular i7. But somebody test this idea out for me if you can cause its just a theory, since most people that run benchmarks just turn on the computer and run one without fixing settings to get the best preformance
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    @runfrodorun i still say there's a way. But it might not be as easy as I'm thinking. If they just use less power overclocking it alittle bit would bridge the performance gap. But i use amd cause of the cost difference
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    @runfrodorun thank you very much, that was exactly what I was looking for. It's more that I was quite surprised by the numbers and wanted to know if they really made a difference in the real world of not. So it's more like I suspected, get a good SSD and loads of RAM, well that make things easier.

    Thanks again for your great answer!
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    @runfrodorun hahaha yeah. Well I use my vostro always connected, it's more like a desktop than a notebook right now :)
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