
What do you guys do on low work days? both in terms of
a) Low energy = low work production
b) Low work required of you/slow work day

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    I usually spend the time improving myself, more or less loosely related to work. Maybe writing a compiler or studying some algorithms are not related to my work, but it’s self-improving anyway.
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    I usually check random documentation and see if it is still up to date.

    Or start learning new stuff.
  • 6
    1. devrant

    2. other code forums to help people

    3. devrant

    4. lunch

    5. learn some random new thing

    6. troll on devrant

    7. check git diff to see if I wrote any code that day

    8. try to change "something" that moves forward

    9. devrant

    10. other code forums to see if I helped anyone

    11. check telegram to see if world is burning yet

    12. devrant

    13. go home

    The time allocation is not divided equally on these steps. If I wander in thoughts I look around for a quick blurb. This "slow day process" has helped me learn a lot of things from forums and devrant itself. Devrant seems to have some good exposure to things I wouldn't have googled myself. But most of the time its a time sink.
  • 5
    I fuck around with my team. Sometimes I would follow tutorials, shit like that. But most of the time, during slow days or low motivating day I go on and talk to them or just chill with them. We have the entire deal for our office, fridge, espresso machine, snack etc, and we don't share those with the rest of the department because we have a closed section of our office space. One of my dudes brought some shit that made me appreciate tea, so we just sit down, have a (work friendly) drink and shoot the shit until we find our motivation.

    Maybe not the most professional thing to do as the manager of the department, but happy troops are productive troops, especially if they are feeling the burden of all the work they have to do, wipping them into action like a dickhead ain't gon do shit fam. So we just shoot the shit until eventually we start getting back on track.
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    @AleCx04 myself having a manager like you, I can tell it makes a world of difference. Happy troops be motivated troops.
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    @Alexcx04 you sound like a dope manager man - happy troops are productive troops
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    @cjde225 @100110111 thanks gents, I was in a very special position, these dudes were my coworkers before I got promoted. It gave me a valuable lesson in knowing what the dudes go through. So i know what their struggle and sacrifice is. That and two of these fuckers beat me in Magic the Gathering all the time, so I got to give them props.
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    1. Learn new techstack.
    2. Start a bug Bounty programme for your app (where you pay Dev for them breaking your beta version of the app, and have a report write to you on how they break your system.)
    3. Keep the documentation up to date and inspect Version control.
    4. Write multiple tests to black box testing your app and white box.
    5. Draw UML diagrams of the system and insert it to documentation.
    6. Teaching your interns and juniors about the system (if you are a senior)
    7. Helping juniors understanding the codebase.
    8. Automation of some of the things can easily done by automation. (E.g like , dockerise an app , deploy application to the server , update cronjobs , coding style inspection.etc)

    These are based on my experience working for a corporate.
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    @johnmelodyme I like your answer. Productivity without striving for it
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