
Manager: Speak with PersonA about ProjectX. Get back to me with feasibility and timescales.

Me: *speaks with PersonA about ProjectX*
Me: *does a few trials for more info*

Manager: Why did you not tell me you were looking into ProjectX with PersonA?

This is 2 days apart ...

  • 7
    Reasons to have verbal exchanges summarized in writing #356
  • 7
    @AmyShackles the two manager comments were 1 in teams and 1 email 😂

    If I reference hard evidence of what he said it's still somehow my fault
  • 3
    @drego with that kind of manager its always someone else’s fault, even if the stabs them self with the fork while eating alone ;)
  • 1
    Repeat after me:
    "What? You talked to them??? But that was my task! you are offensive, and not trusting! who can I talk to about your issues? your boss? HR?"
    If the A-hole does not do a 180, then talk to his boss.
  • 3
    @drego I would just respond to the second message with a screenshot of their first message.
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