The new bill passed the house for ISP to be able to sell data. This get me ticked off. I already ausme that ISP did it under the table. Doesn't make it right. Now it legal for them to breach our privacy. At what leave do i need to run my own internet just to feel safe. VPN can sell the data, ISP can sell data about you. I spend my life teaching how to protect people online and now I can't even say they are safe at home from someone with wrong intention. A quote​ comes to mind.
"Dear lord I need to see some change, because the man in the mirror is wearing a mask"
I shouldn't have to feel every time. I boot my PC, that I need to remind my self that what I'm doing now is being sold so someone can lable me. When will the common man learn to protect their privacy online; And where is the line in the sand?

It not all bad, this event has given me the itch to code. Just to spin some heads I'm going to make a script to make random Google query across the widest array of topics, so my profile is full of contradiction.

The few who read this have a nice day!

  • 3
    This is what being a Republican and electing them brings. Sell your privacy for "freedom". But at least they feel safe keeping their guns (while the government has drones) :p :facepalm: lol
  • 1
    @ScribeOfGoD we need guns because... tyrannical governments!
    2nd amendment is so outdated.
  • 2
    @runfrodorun I did write to my congressman a few days back. I try to use a healthy mix of tor and VPNs. And with airvpn Tor over socks makes Tor all the more safer
  • 1
    @runfrodorun nope.
  • 0
    @runfrodorun that's why they RE letting mental I'll people purchase guns now huh? Ok.... And please, just stop with the stuff about "windows spies on you" :mega_face_palm:
  • 0
    When the US army switch to windows 10 they spent months with Microsoft to build a version completely custom for them. This has not been the case in the past years, and version. The amount of logs being sent back by default is alarming.

    Even a basic Google search on the topic will bring you hundreds of site that has step to show how to minimize how much data is sent back.
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