
My week at glance:
Monday: Sunday night hangover
Tuesday:Prepare report for progress meeting.
Wednesday: Progress meeting
Thursday:work little bit for next week progress meeting.
Friday: weekend fever and hence not in mood to work.
#big #company #work #culture

  • 3
    People, who post hashtags/tags as plaintext instead of as tags.
  • 0
    @ruro not a regular user of devrant. I hoped they would be using hashtags. Once i posted not enough enthusiasm of changing it
  • 1
    Hangover indicates drinking.
    Drinking implies partyingโ€‹?
    Every week implies you're cool?
    Why are you on here ?
  • 1
    @YousifMansour who said programmer can't be cool.... ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž
  • 1
    You're not a programmer anymore, you're moving up in the world. Good luck.
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