I've just seen a WordPress inside another WordPress.

- Why was it made like this?
- If it works, you should not touch it.
- Ok. :/

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    Welcome to DevRant!
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    That is not uncommon m8 :(
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    @Linux, now I completely lost trust in humanity :'(
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    You have a site running on WP. Client wants a microsite on site.com/microsite. The microsite has different design, requires CMS and will only be online for 3 months. What do you do?
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    This microsite has the same, fucking identical, graphic. The client said that I had to change a banner. Well - I thought - it's a 5 minutes work. After several hours I found the login to the microsite accidentally, no one warned me about that. And, moreover, this WordPress-inception is online since 2006.
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    @jordinebot Use the Wordpress multisite feature?
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